Despite a right direction of Polish science towards the forum of an international scientific exchange, there still is a strong scientific discussion between Polish research centres. It is the only way to create Polish scientific teams along with the participation of foreign researchers interested in cooperation. The creation of such teams meets the expectations of sovereignty of Polish science. The Conference Operations Research Methods & Applications (ORMA) is to serve the role of the scientific discussion and the presentation of the widest spectrum of research on operations research and its application in economic theory as well as in business practice. Additionally, the Conference encourages young researchers to submit their lab report paper for presentation, providing them with a valuable opportunity to showcase their research findings and receive feedback from experienced professionals in the field. An important objective of the Conference is also to create the opportunity for young researchers both the discipline theorists and practitioners to share their knowledge, expertise and the latest research on methods and modern applications of operations research. The future of operations research is in the hands of those young researchers. Therefore, the presentations of young researchers will be very much expected.